FREE Printable Word Search Puzzles


These word search puzzles are free for personal use. They may not be sold or reproduced in any salable form. They may not be used for promotional or marketing purposes. They may not be published elsewhere on the internet. Teachers are welcome to print these puzzles in quantity for classroom distribution.


All of the puzzles are meant to be solved the old fashioned way, with a pen or pencil. Select a puzzle and it will open in a new browser window. Then make a printout. It will fit perfectly on a single sheet of 8.5" x 11" paper.

Word Search

The object of each puzzle is to find the listed hidden words. In most of the puzzles there are at least 40 words. The words may be hidden in any direction: horizontally, vertically, diagonally, and forwards and backwards.

Hidden Message

Once you have found all the words, the remaining letters will spell a secret message. The message will be a word, a phrase, a piece of trivia, or a quotation.

For Your Kids

A selection of the puzzles are specifically for kids. They have no hidden sentence and they have less than 20 words to find.

Additional Puzzles

Bookmark this page and check it each month. New puzzles will be added periodically.


For puzzles with a larger Font size we have Large Print Word Search Puzzles.
For word searches that do not require printing, check out Online Word Search Puzzles


Featured For January and February
Winter (Puzzle, Solution)
Happy New Year (Puzzle, Solution)
Martin Luther King Jr. (Puzzle, Solution)
Valentine's Day (Puzzle, Solution)

Recently Added
Wedding (Puzzle, Solution) New

1950's Songs (Puzzle, Solution)
60's Songs (Puzzle, Solution)
70's Songs (Puzzle, Solution)
80's Radio Hitmakers (Puzzle, Solution)
80's Songs (Puzzle, Solution)
90's Songs 1 (Puzzle, Solution)
90's Songs 2 (Puzzle, Solution)
90's Songs 3 (Puzzle, Solution)
90's Songs 4 (Puzzle, Solution)
A Christmas Carol (Puzzle, Solution)
Adverbs (Puzzle, Solution)
African Countries (Puzzle, Solution)
Alice in Wonderland (Puzzle, Solution)
Animals 1 (Puzzle, Solution)
Animals 2 (Puzzle, Solution)
Animals 3 (Puzzle, Solution)
Asian Countries (Puzzle, Solution) New
Astronomy 1(Puzzle, Solution)
Astronomy 2 (Puzzle, Solution)
Australia (Puzzle, Solution)
Autumn (Puzzle, Solution)
Baby (Puzzle, Solution)
Baby Shower (Puzzle, Solution)
Back to School (Puzzle, Solution)
Baseball (Puzzle, Solution)
Basketball (Puzzle, Solution)
Beatles Songs 1 (Puzzle, Solution)
Beatles Songs 2 (Puzzle, Solution)
Birds (Puzzle, Solution)
Breakfast (Puzzle, Solution)
Canada (Puzzle, Solution)
Canada Day (Puzzle, Solution)
Candy (Puzzle, Solution)
Capitals of Europe (Puzzle, Solution)
Car Parts (Puzzle, Solution)
Cheerleading (Puzzle, Solution)
Cheerleading - All Star (Puzzle, Solution)
Chess (Puzzle, Solution)
Chocolate (Puzzle, Solution)
Christmas (Puzzle, Solution)
Christmas Carol #2 (Puzzle, Solution)
Christmas Carol (Puzzle, Solution)
Christmas Gift Ideas (Puzzle, Solution)
Christmas Tree (Puzzle, Solution)
Classic Toys (Puzzle, Solution)
Clothing (Puzzle, Solution)
Comedy Movies 1 (Puzzle, Solution)
Comedy Movies 2 (Puzzle, Solution)
Computer Jargon 1 (Puzzle, Solution)
Computer Jargon 2 (Puzzle, Solution)
Countries of Europe (Puzzle, Solution)
COVID-19 - Coronavirus (Puzzle, Solution)
Dance Crazes (Puzzle, Solution)
Delicious Desserts (Puzzle, Solution)
Deserts of the World (Puzzle, Solution)
Dinosaurs (Puzzle, Solution)
Dogs (Puzzle, Solution)
Easter (Puzzle, Solution)
Electronics (Puzzle, Solution)
Elvis (Puzzle, Solution)
Fairy Tales (Puzzle, Solution)
Family Ties (Puzzle, Solution)
Famous Artists (Puzzle, Solution)
Fantasy World 1 (Puzzle, Solution)
Fantasy World 2 (Puzzle, Solution)
Farm (Puzzle, Solution)
Fears and Phobias (Puzzle, Solution)
Fish 1 (Puzzle, Solution)
Fish 2 (Puzzle, Solution)
Fishing (Puzzle, Solution)
Flowers (Puzzle, Solution)
Fourth Of July (Puzzle, Solution)
Friendship (Puzzle, Solution)
Fruit (Puzzle, Solution)
Gardening (Puzzle, Solution)
Geometry (Puzzle, Solution)
Girls' Name Songs (Puzzle, Solution)
Golden Girls (Puzzle, Solution)
Golf (Puzzle, Solution)
Halloween (Puzzle, Solution)
Hanukkah (Puzzle, Solution)
Happy New Year (Puzzle, Solution)
Hawaii (Puzzle, Solution)
Head & Neck (Puzzle, Solution)
Hip-Hop Artists (Puzzle, Solution)
Hockey (Puzzle, Solution)
Homophones (Puzzle, Solution)
Homophones 2 (Puzzle, Solution)
Horse Breeds (Puzzle, Solution)
Human Skeleton & Organs (Puzzle, Solution)
Insects (Puzzle, Solution)
Jewels and Gemstones (Puzzle, Solution)
John Wayne Movies (Puzzle, Solution)
Las Vegas (Puzzle, Solution)
Les Misérables (Puzzle, Solution)
Lights, Camera, Action! (Puzzle, Solution)
Lights, Camera, Action! 2 (Puzzle, Solution)
Livewire Puzzles (Puzzle, Solution)
Look Up! (Puzzle, Solution)
Marine Life (Puzzle, Solution)
Martin Luther King Jr. (Puzzle, Solution)
Meryl Streep Movies (Puzzle, Solution)
Moods & Emotions 1 (Puzzle, Solution)
Moods & Emotions 2 (Puzzle, Solution)
Moods & Emotions 3 (Puzzle, Solution)
More 1950's Songs (Puzzle, Solution)
More 70's Songs (Puzzle, Solution)
More 80's Songs (Puzzle, Solution)
Mother's Day (Puzzle, Solution)
Movie Actors 1 (Puzzle, Solution)
Movie Actors 2 (Puzzle, Solution)
Movie Actors 3 (Puzzle, Solution)
Movie Actresses 1 (Puzzle, Solution)
Movie Actresses 2 (Puzzle, Solution)
Movies: Musicals (Puzzle, Solution)
Movies: Science Fiction (Puzzle, Solution)
Movies: Science Fiction 2 (Puzzle, Solution)
Musical Instruments 1 (Puzzle, Solution)
Musical Instruments 2 (Puzzle, Solution)
New York City 1 (Puzzle, Solution)
New York City 2 (Puzzle, Solution)
Newspaper (Puzzle, Solution)
Nursing Home 1 (Puzzle, Solution)
Nursing Home 2 (Puzzle, Solution)
Nursing Home 3 (Puzzle, Solution)
Old TV Shows 1 (Puzzle, Solution)
Old TV Shows 2 (Puzzle, Solution)
Old TV Shows 3 (Puzzle, Solution)
Old TV Shows 4 (Puzzle, Solution)
Old West 1 (Puzzle, Solution)
Old West 2 (Puzzle, Solution)
Old West 3 (Puzzle, Solution)
Oliver Twist (Puzzle, Solution)
Parkinson's Disease (Puzzle, Solution)
Pet Dog (Puzzle, Solution)
Phonetic Alphabet (Puzzle, Solution)
Photography (Puzzle, Solution)
Physics 1 (Puzzle, Solution)
Physics 2 (Puzzle, Solution)
Pizza (Puzzle, Solution)
Public Library (Puzzle, Solution)
Radiohead (Puzzle, Solution)
Real Estate 1 (Puzzle, Solution)
Real Estate 2 (Puzzle, Solution)
Refrigerator (Puzzle, Solution)
Restaurant (Puzzle, Solution)
Roller Coasters (Puzzle, Solution)
SCUBA Diving (Puzzle, Solution)
Sewing (Puzzle, Solution)
Shakespeare: Hamlet (Puzzle, Solution)
Shakespeare: Macbeth (Puzzle, Solution)
Soccer (Puzzle, Solution)
Songs From 2000 (Puzzle, Solution)
Songs From 2001 (Puzzle, Solution)
Songs From 2002 (Puzzle, Solution)
Songs From 2003 (Puzzle, Solution)
Spiders 1 (Puzzle, Solution)
Spiders 2 (Puzzle, Solution)
Sports (Puzzle, Solution)
Spring (Puzzle, Solution)
St. Patrick's Day (Puzzle, Solution)
Summer (Puzzle, Solution)
Summer Olympics (Puzzle, Solution)
Surgery (Puzzle, Solution)
Thankful For... (Puzzle, Solution)
Thanksgiving Day (Puzzle, Solution)
The Beach (Puzzle, Solution)
The Raven (Puzzle, Solution)
The Twelve Days of Christmas (Puzzle, Solution)
Through the Looking Glass (Puzzle, Solution)
Tools (Puzzle, Solution)
Transportation (Puzzle, Solution)
Treasure Island (Puzzle, Solution)
Trees (Puzzle, Solution)
Types of Music 1 (Puzzle, Solution)
Types of Music 2 (Puzzle, Solution)
USA Presidents (Puzzle, Solution)
USA State Capitals (Puzzle, Solution)
USA States (Puzzle, Solution)
Volleyball (Puzzle, Solution)
Valentine's Day (Puzzle, Solution)
Washing a Car (Puzzle, Solution)
Weather (Puzzle, Solution)
What's the Point? (Puzzle, Solution)
Winter (Puzzle, Solution)
World Currencies (Puzzle, Solution)
For Your Kids
Aesop's Fables (Puzzle, Solution)
4 Digit Numbers (Puzzle, Solution)
5 Digit Numbers (Puzzle, Solution)
6 Digit Numbers (Puzzle, Solution)
Baby (Puzzle, Solution)
Bees (Puzzle, Solution)
Birds (Puzzle, Solution)
Boats (Puzzle, Solution)
Boxes (Puzzle, Solution)
Carnivores (Puzzle, Solution)
Cat (Puzzle, Solution)
Chocolate Bars (Puzzle, Solution)
Clothing (Puzzle, Solution)


Colors (Puzzle, Solution)
Cookies (Puzzle, Solution)
Days & Months (Puzzle, Solution)
Directions (Puzzle, Solution)
Dogs (Puzzle, Solution)
Fairy Tales (Puzzle, Solution)
Farm (Puzzle, Solution)
Flowers (Puzzle, Solution)
Food Groups (Puzzle, Solution)
Fourth of July (Puzzle, Solution)


Friendship (Puzzle, Solution)
Hair (Puzzle, Solution)
Hands (Puzzle, Solution)
Herbivores (Puzzle, Solution)
Ice Cream (Puzzle, Solution)
Ice Hockey (Puzzle, Solution)
Insects (Puzzle, Solution)
Omnivores (Puzzle, Solution)
Pet Store (Puzzle, Solution)
Pies (Puzzle, Solution)
Sea Creatures (Puzzle, Solution)
Solar System (Puzzle, Solution)
Teeth (Puzzle, Solution)
The Circus (Puzzle, Solution)
Tool Box (Puzzle, Solution)
Transportation (Puzzle, Solution)
Trees (Puzzle, Solution)
Vegetables (Puzzle, Solution)